Some advice and support to stay strong in hard times

Some advice and support to stay strong in hard times

Sometimes things happen that completely change the direction we thought our life was taking. At first it can be hard to accept. We end up asking “why” a lot. But I really believe that in time – even if we can’t see it now – some of the most difficult and unexpected situations still end up having a beautiful silver lining. Yet some days it might be hard to even think about the silver lining. Because that’s what life is: a rollercoaster of experiences and a rollercoaster of emotions. And here’s some advice and support to stay strong in hard times.

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Open letter to the woman who saved my life

Open letter to the woman who saved my life

How would you thank someone for saving your life? After being diagnosed with a mysterious and chronic illness, I now have my life back in more ways than I could ever even dream of before. This is an open letter to thank Annie Hopper, founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, for saving my life.

Photo by Ian Redd

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When closed roads lead to nicer routes

When closed roads lead to nicer routes

Finding closed roads when we're trying to get somewhere tends to lead to frustration but can end up leading us to discover nicer routes. And here's how things changed for me by being made to take a different life path. More than anything, I learned to stop rushing through life but rather to take the time to appreciate how beautiful life is. 

Photo by Rene Rossignaud Photography

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Another aquathlon 10 years on (and why we took our running shoes with us on honeymoon)

Another aquathlon 10 years on (and why we took our running shoes with us on honeymoon)

Another aquathlon 10 years after my first one! So happy I got to take part in #mnac2016 with Dermot by my side again. It also reminded me why we took our running shoes with us on honeymoon...even if some people might think that was a bit strange :)

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7 life lessons I learned from my recent whiplash injury

7 life lessons I learned from my recent whiplash injury

The day after I took part in my first race, I ended up with a whiplash injury.  But I’m much better now and these are the 7 life lessons I’ve learned from this whiplash injury (as well as the embarrassing details of how I got injured - not what you're thinking I'm sure). 
Photo by Rebekah Kamsky Photography

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7 ways to support someone suffering from a mysterious chronic illness

7 ways to support someone suffering from a mysterious chronic illness

Knowing how challenging living with a mysterious chronic illness can be, I compiled this list of 7 ways that you can support someone suffering from such a condition. This list outlines what you can do to help someone in such a situation or if you yourself are suffering, you might find that the things that I found helpful might also be helpful for you.

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