Open letter to a survivor

Open letter to a survivor

Here's my letter to anyone who has faced a major setback and bounced back. To anyone who can smile despite everything they’ve been through. To anyone who makes the best out of a tough journey. To anyone who can appreciate things they took for granted before things became tough. To anyone who might or might not have beaten the odds, but who is doing everything they possibly can to do so. This is a letter to all survivors.

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A letter to myself before I became chronically ill

A letter to myself before I became chronically ill

Being chronically ill taught me quite a few lessons and more than anything it taught me to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. It also helped me realise that in actual fact the little things are the big things. Now that I’ve recovered fully, I still like to occasionally remind myself of the things my chronic illness taught me, because life can be so rushed that it can be easy to forget. So here’s a letter to my 29-year-old self, to the person who hadn’t yet learned any of these lessons.

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Open letter to a person suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness

Open letter to a person suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness

This is an open letter to anyone suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness. Invisible illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivity, anxiety and many others are unfortunately poorly understood, leading to even more suffering and isolation. Through this open letter, I wish to show anyone suffering from these types of illnesses that they’re not alone and that things can improve. But I know how difficult it is to believe that when you're suffering and that's why I really wish to get this message across. 

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Open letter to the woman who saved my life

Open letter to the woman who saved my life

How would you thank someone for saving your life? After being diagnosed with a mysterious and chronic illness, I now have my life back in more ways than I could ever even dream of before. This is an open letter to thank Annie Hopper, founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, for saving my life.

Photo by Ian Redd

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Open letter to my husband as we approach our second anniversary

Open letter to my husband as we approach our second anniversary

In the 22 months that we've been married, Dermot has taught me the true meaning of the words "for better or for worse". This blog post is an open letter to thank him for supporting me through my experience with a mysterious and chronic illness and for holding my hand and walking with me through the storm.

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