Some advice and support to stay strong in hard times

Sometimes things happen that completely change the direction we thought our life was taking.

At first it can be hard to accept.

We end up asking “why” a lot.

Why me?

Why us? 

Why this? 

Why now?

And it’s not always easy to find the answers.

Sometimes it will seem as though there are many more questions than answers.

But I really believe that in time – even if we can’t see it now – some of the most difficult and unexpected situations still end up having a beautiful silver lining.

Yet some days it might be hard to even think about the silver lining.

Some days it might feel as though there’s nothing silver around.

And it’s ok to have those days.

Permission to be human after all.

Permission to feel sorry for yourself, to ask all the questions you can’t yet find answers to and to wish things were easier.

But you must try not to get stuck in those days.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, but you need to pull yourself out of that dark place.

And you can do that in different ways.

Sometimes all it takes is the “just keep swimming” attitude, as Dory of Finding Nemo explains so well.

You don’t really know where life is taking you, how things will turn out, or even how you’ll get where you need to be.

But you find ways to keep trying.

Even when it’s hard.

You keep moving forward, or at least in the direction which seems to be forward.

You might need help to keep moving forward – at times from loved ones or at times from professionals.

Whether it’s just a kind word or whether they actually carry you on their backs for a while, don’t underestimate the power of the support of those around you.

And sometimes you’ll have those special days when things seem really good and so exciting.

When whatever happened to change your life’s direction seems like it was a good thing.

When you’re so excited about where you’re heading in this new direction.

When all you feel is happiness and excitement.

And those days are great.

But know that one of those days today doesn’t necessarily mean that tomorrow is going to be one of those days too.

Know that it’s possible to go through a mixture of all the different days in close succession.

Days of feeling sorry for yourself.

Days of trying to “just keep swimming”.

Days when you need someone else’s support to keep moving forward.

And days of happiness and excitement.

Because that’s what life is.

It’s a rollercoaster of experiences.

And a rollercoaster of emotions.

You don’t always know what’s coming next.

You don’t know whether you’re about to be up at the top or down low waiting to get back to the top.

And I always find that even when it gets tough, it’s easier to cope with loved ones by your side.

And know that even if things are difficult right now, better things will come your way.

Even if you’re finding it hard not to feel sorry for yourself.

So try your best to look for the silver lining in it all, or if you can’t see that today or if you can’t see that yet, do your best to “just keep swimming”.

And know that there are many people who want to help you do that.

So never be scared or embarrassed to ask for support.

And know that as I write this, I’m cheering you on.

And I always will be x x x