How to be a little bit kinder to yourself

How to be a little bit kinder to yourself

As I was recovering after being chronically ill, I realised that in general I really wasn’t kind enough to myself. I tend to be my own worst critic and I’m usually quite hard on myself. I think so many of us are compassionate towards others but not as much to ourselves. Which is wrong. Why shouldn’t we be a little bit gentler with ourselves too? Especially when we’ve got a lot going on. So here’s some advice on how to be a little bit kinder to yourself. 

Photo by Sean Mallia

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Why we should all be kind to each other

Why we should all be kind to each other

As we await the election results in Malta today, I came across this quote by Ellen DeGeneres and it rang so true. “I would love for the world to be happier.  I think it's our one thing that we all share.  We focus so much on our differences and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world.  And I think: what if everybody focused on what we all have in common -- which is -- we all want to be happy.” And here’s why we should all be kind to each other, not only today in Malta but in life in general. It can really change things for all of us.

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Has a stranger's kindness ever changed your life?

Has a stranger's kindness ever changed your life?

In this blog post I explain how Charlene Mercieca, young artisan soap maker, owner of Soap Café and extremely inspirational woman, made an overwhelming time in my life infinitely easier. Charlene not only showed me how a stranger's kindness can change someone's life but also how important it is for us to always be kind to others. 
Photo by Matt @ Hush Studios

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