Open letter to a survivor

Open letter to a survivor

Here's my letter to anyone who has faced a major setback and bounced back. To anyone who can smile despite everything they’ve been through. To anyone who makes the best out of a tough journey. To anyone who can appreciate things they took for granted before things became tough. To anyone who might or might not have beaten the odds, but who is doing everything they possibly can to do so. This is a letter to all survivors.

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Standing among survivors, forming a v for victory

Standing among survivors, forming a v for victory

"Every story has its worth. To fall down, pick yourself up and carry on. That's survival.” 
– Sarah Cachia, Jacob aka Titanium Man's mother

When Sarah asked me to be in the final group photo for the Survivors Malta calendar, I almost said no. Here's why I almost said no and why I'm so glad I didn't. 

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