5 things I intend to do differently now that I’ve been given a second chance at life

5 things I intend to do differently now that I’ve been given a second chance at life

After a year of being chronically ill, I feel so lucky to have been given a second chance at life. And I’m definitely going to make the most of this second chance. Just by doing these 5 things differently, I now go to sleep happier every day, even on the more challenging days. 

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7 life lessons I learned from my recent whiplash injury

7 life lessons I learned from my recent whiplash injury

The day after I took part in my first race, I ended up with a whiplash injury.  But I’m much better now and these are the 7 life lessons I’ve learned from this whiplash injury (as well as the embarrassing details of how I got injured - not what you're thinking I'm sure). 
Photo by Rebekah Kamsky Photography

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