A look at one of the defining moments in my recovery journey: one year on

A look at one of the defining moments in my recovery journey: one year on

Corinne’s first wedding anniversary last week reminded me how amazing it was that I got to be at her wedding from start to finish last year. Something which had seemed beyond impossible before starting DNRS 3 months earlier, when I was housebound due to multiple chemical sensitivity and chronic fatigue syndrome. So I thought it would be nice to look back on what I had written a year ago (before I started this blog) to show anyone who’s just getting started in their DNRS journey or anyone who’s thinking about starting DNRS what could be possible for them. So here’s what I wrote just before and just after the wedding.

Photo by Matthew Mirabelli Photography

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My parents' views on my journey and recovery

My parents' views on my journey and recovery

For this blog post I wanted a photo taken before my illness started. When it never even crossed any of our minds that difficult times might lie in store. And I don’t mean difficult times just for me. I always say that I believe it was actually worse for those around me. 5 months ago, I wrote about my journey through Dermot’s eyes. And because some of you had asked and because my parents walked with me through the storm in every way possible, here’s my journey and recovery from a chronic illness through my parents’ eyes.

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A year ago I hoped to improve by 10%: here’s what happened instead

A year ago I hoped to improve by 10%: here’s what happened instead

To say I had hit rock bottom by the start of 2016 was putting it mildly. But exactly a year ago, I sat down to watch the DNRS DVDs for the first time. I still had huge doubts about the whole thing but I remember saying that if it at least helped me improve by 10%, it was worth giving it a try. Little did I know how my life was going to change! Rather than improving by just 10%, here’s what happened in the year since I started neural retraining. 

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Open letter to a person suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness

Open letter to a person suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness

This is an open letter to anyone suffering from a mysterious, chronic illness. Invisible illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivity, anxiety and many others are unfortunately poorly understood, leading to even more suffering and isolation. Through this open letter, I wish to show anyone suffering from these types of illnesses that they’re not alone and that things can improve. But I know how difficult it is to believe that when you're suffering and that's why I really wish to get this message across. 

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Here's what I wrote when my life had started all over again 6 years ago

Here's what I wrote when my life had started all over again 6 years ago

I still remember the day I was first diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome 7 years ago. I also never forgot how good it felt when I managed to overcome it (or so I thought back then) through dietary changes. And yet it was still strange to read what I had written at the time and to realise how similar some things were to the way I feel now. And I thought you might be interested to read what I wrote when my life had started all over again 6 years ago. So here goes.

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What caused the sudden (or not so sudden?) onset of my mysterious, chronic illness?

What caused the sudden (or not so sudden?) onset of my mysterious, chronic illness?

It would probably have made sense for us to remove the bottles of water while taking this photo, but I was so excited about eating a plate of gnocchi for the first time in 2 years that I really wasn’t thinking :) But this blog post isn’t about gnocchi. This blog post is all about the question I get asked most often whenever someone hears my story: What caused my mysterious, chronic illness? To be honest, there’s no easy answer. But now that I’ve recovered fully through DNRS, I have a slightly clearer idea of how this all started. So here goes.

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A day in the life of someone with chronic fatigue syndrome

A day in the life of someone with chronic fatigue syndrome

Here’s a glimpse into a typical day in my life a year ago when I was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity and extreme food sensitivities. Of course not every day was exactly the same – some days I felt a bit better, some days I felt a bit worse – but this was a typical day at the time.

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Laugh every day and live a longer (and happier) life

Laugh every day and live a longer (and happier) life

Last Friday was a really special day for us. We had the launch of my father’s first book and our dear niece Elise’s christening. Here’s my take on the book, why the book launch was so special, why Dermot and I ended up running in Valletta – Dermot in his suit and me in my dress and carrying my shoes – and why laughter is so incredibly good for you. 

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Why I took selfies while I was chronically ill

Why I took selfies while I was chronically ill

Long story short: when I was chronically ill, I thought it might help some people realise they’re not alone if they could see photos of me at my worst. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever decide to share photos of myself looking so bad. I was even embarrassed to ask my husband or family to take them for me. But I wanted to have them in case I ever did and in case they could ever help someone. So here’s why I took selfies while I was chronically ill. 

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How I overcame food intolerances: from just 8 foods to being able to eat anything

How I overcame food intolerances: from just 8 foods to being able to eat anything

It had never even crossed my mind that I might one day be able to eat anything I want. From being able to eat just 8 foods at my most sensitive, I was happy to see my food choices increase gradually. But there were some foods – like corn – which I knew I would have to avoid for the rest of my life. So being able to eat things like corn again is far beyond a dream come true – because I never even dreamt it might be possible. And here's how I overcame my food sensitivities and how you can too.

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